Survey of migration of aluminium from pots to oat beverage
Migration, aluminium pots, atomic absorption, acid foodAbstract
The migration of metals from utensils to food during cooking is an issue of food safety. Dietary intake is the main source of non-occupational exposure to aluminum. This research allowed to know the amount of aluminum that is transferred when is preparing an oatmeal beverage with naranjilla (Solanum quitoense), an acidic pH drink, widely consumed in Ecuador. The beverage was prepared in aluminum pots of the five most commercialized brands in Quito and it was done in seven cooking cycles. The quantification of the concentration of transferred aluminum in the one hundred and forty oatmeal beverage was performed by atomic absorption Spectroscopy with nitrous oxide-acetylene flame. The concentrations of aluminum transferred to the food during the seven treatments exceed the allowable limit of 1 mg Al /kg established by the European Union (European Regulation EU 1416: 2016), except for the IV brand pot, which presents 0,76±0,04 Al/kg in the seventh treatment. The two-factor ANOVA analysis of variance indicates that the brand of the pots and the number of treatments applied does affect aluminum migration.
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