Thermo-energetic analysis of the steam generation system in a 49 MW power plant
boilers; efficiency; thermal and exergetic; algorithm; steam generatorsAbstract
In the work carries out a comprehensive thermo-energetic analysis of the steam generation system of a 49 MW thermal power plant, which has not been rigorously studied from an energy point of view. In a algorithm synthesizes the methodology for calculating the gross thermal and exergetic performances of the boilers that comprise it, aspects that have not been interrelated in previous studies. The results show a high degree the harnessing of thermal energy and a low capacity for using the exergy available in the facilities, caused by the deterioration of some of its operationals parameters and by irreversibilities inherent in the process of transforming water into steam. The thermal and exergetic yields of the system amounted to 90.106 and 45.491%, respectively. The proposed algorithm foresees the calculation and the comparison of the real thermo-energetic parameters of the boilers with the nominal ones and the scientific and technical-organizational actions to develop out to achieve superior thermo-exergetic performances. Its future implementation will take into account the analysis of the net thermal yields, the economic-environmental indicators and the energy-operational optimization of the boilers.
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