Nutritional energy in pos COVID-19 time in Peru
biodiversity; malnutrition; disease; pandemic; immune system.Abstract
The current COVID-19 pandemic is a disease that affects everyone. The Peruvian government has promoted the use of physical barriers; however, the immune system is an important defense against the virus that has not yet been motivated. The objectives were: to know the COVID-19 disease and its behavior; to know the nutritional diet of the population; to define the population at risk and to make food proposals in time of pandemic in Peru. For this, we used the information sources of scientists and science institutions. The results were: the main characteristics of the disease and its effect on the population at different ages and risk groups; described the feeding in six different regions of Peru, showing high simple carbohydrate intake and unbalanced nutritional energy, identified the nutrients of the biodiversity resources; defined the population with the risk; presented a diet for patients at home, those in critical condition and those who passed the disease; as well as general recommendations to the population that includes a comprehensive energy to achieve a healthy life. Culminates highlighting the importance of the role of the Peruvian State to promote a healthy life for the population.
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