Optimal stages of RF energy harvesting and storage systems
Energy Harvesting, Radiofrequency, Voltage Multipliers, Rectenna, StagesAbstract
This document presents a review of models of Radiofrequency (RF) energy harvesting systems, extracted from articles published in scientific repositories around the world. Its objective is to extract relevant information from each of them, such as: system topology, circuits and characteristics of each stage, electronic components used, dimensions, among others. With this information, the data is tabulated and compared, in order to determine which one has the best characteristics according to each stage and consider it to carry out a deeper investigation and improve its design to capture more energy. To carry out this study, a methodology divided into four phases was used, which are: research, scientific reading, extraction of relevant information and tabulation. Once the study of the selected systems was carried out, a comparison was made between the results obtained in each one and the topology, circuits or elements that obtained the best results for the stages of: Antenna, Coupling, Rectification, Energy Management and Storage were selected. of energy. Finally, an application for Android devices was created in which all the information collected, and results obtained are found so that it works as a reference source for future research.
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