Evaluation of forest residues of potential species to obtain carbon as clean energy in the Ecuadorian Amazon
Potential, Waste, Calorific Power, Carbon and EnergyAbstract
Timber residues due to its use for the construction industry and others provided by the secondary forest and its high content of lignocellulosic material for energy purposes, our objective was to evaluate the forest residues of six species to obtain carbon as clean energy. , which represents great interest for the energy industry. Through the methodology of the study of inventories and sampling of wood residues from sawmills that was in the four cantons of the province of Pastaza, through instrumental techniques of physical, chemical and thermal analysis, the parameters studied were the biomass potential and residue, density, humidity, ashes, volatiles, fixed carbon and higher calorific value (immediate analysis), carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen and sulfur (CHONS), which allowed obtaining the thermochemical properties, reaching the main results of energy potential, of these three species that can be used for clean energy, due to the amount of ash found in the analyzes below 1% and volatiles (60-80%) of these residues, which clearly shows that it prevents the formation of scale in equipment and damage, in relation to its fixed carbon content on average of 14.78% and its superior calorific value 19.72 Mj/kg, assessing the fact industrial reliability for its energy use that will generate 515.62 GW of clean energy in electrical thermal power annually to meet the needs of vulnerable areas of the Amazon region.
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