Sliding Mode Control Based on Internal Model for a Non-minimum phase Buck and Boost Converter
Buck-Boost; non-minimum phase system; internal model control; sliding mode control; chattering.Abstract
This work presents the application of different schemes to control a non-minimum phase Buck-Boost converter. Three control schemes are used. The first controller presented is a PI controller, the second one is Sliding Mode Control and the third one is a combination of two control schemes, Internal Model Control and Sliding Mode Control. The controllers are designed from a Right-Half Plane Zero (RHPZ) reduced order model. The RHPZ model is converted, using Taylor approximation, in a First Order Plus Dead Time (FOPDT) model and after that, the controllers are obtained. The performance of the SMC-IMC is compared against to a PI controller and a SMC. The simulation results show that SMC-IMC improves the converter response, reducing the chattering and presenting better robustness for load changes
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- 2019-03-29 (2)
- 2019-03-29 (1)
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