Dimensional analysis applied to jacketed shell and tube heat exchangers modeling
Buckingham Pi-theorem, heat transfer, hydrogen sulphide, modeling, simulationAbstract
Dimensional analysis was utilized on this research to establish a shortcut model for predicting hydrogen sulphide gas discharge temperature in jacketed shell and tube heat exchangers. Since the equipment belongs to an online industrial facility, the passive experimental method was applied. Selection of the heat transfer process parameters was followed by application of the Buckingham Pi-theorem and the repeating-variables technique. After formulation of the dimensionless groups, approximation of the explicit model equation was carried out through a least-squares multivariate linear regression. The model predictive ability performance was appraised by comparing predictions versus measured discharge temperatures, hence attaining a Pearson correlation of
97.5 %, a mean absolute error of 2.1 K, and 1.7 % maximum deviations. The explicit equation that was obtained is pertinent to studied heat exchangers, when 0.55 ≤ ṁ1 ≤ 0.60, 1.06 ≤ ṁ2 ≤ 1.09, and 0.22 ≤ ṁ3 ≤ 0.24 (fluids flowrate, kg/s). It can be used as an alternative calculation method for quick anticipation of the equipment performance, which overcomes computation of the overall heat transfer coefficients.
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