Detalles del análisis sísmico de edificaciones construidas con paneles
DOI: clave:
terremoto, edificio, resistencia sísmica, espectros de respuesta no linealResumen
Se han analizado las exigencias normativas de diferentes países de Europa, EEUU, CEI, Canadá, en cuanto a los códigos que garantizan la seguridad de edificios y estructuras ante terremotos. Se propone una metodología basada en la respuesta espectral no elástica de edificios, que permite considerar el comportamiento no lineal de las estructuras, en la elaboración de los requerimientos de Eurocode 8. Se presenta un informe de los cálculos de desplazamiento de edificios de hormigón entramados y no entramados, realizados aplicando esta metodología.
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NEHRP Guidelines for the Seismic Rehabilitation of Buildings (1997b). FEMA 273. Washington, D.C. Federal Emergency Management Agency.
Nemchynov, Yu, Khavkin, A., Maryenkov, N., Babik, K. (2012). Design procedure of seismic structures with assigned category of plasticity taking into account the requirements of european standards (EN 1998-1). Proceedings of 15 World Conference on Earthquake Engineering. Lisboa, Portugal, paper №2189.
Nemchynov, Yu. I., Khavkin, A. K., Maryenkov, N. G., Babik, K. N. & Gonchar, V. V. (2011) To justify the methodology of reinforced concrete buildings calculation at seismic loading on the basis of inelastic response spectra. Building structures : Construction in seismic regions of Ukraine, 74, 571–585.
Nemchynov, Yu. I., Khavkin, A. K., Maryenkov, N. G., Zolotarev, I. G., Kukunaev, V. S., Dorofeyev, V.S. & Egupov, K. V. (2010) Conditions and tasks to insure the seismic safety and further development of earthquake resistant construction in Ukraine. Building structures : Construction in seismic regions of Ukraine, 73, 8-34.
Nemchynov, Yu.I. (2008). Earthquake resistance of buildings and facilities. Kiev, Ukraine: IC Gydimenko S.V.
Newmark, N. M. & Hall, W.J. (1982). Earthquake spectra and design, Earthquake Engineering Research Center. Institute Berkeley, California.
Peter, K. & Badoux, M. (2000) Application of the Capacity Spectrum Method to R.C. Buildings with Bearing Walls. Proceedings of 12 World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Auckland, New Zealand: paper №0609.
Prestandard and commentary for the seismic rehabilitation of buildings. American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) (2000). FEMA 356, Washington, D.C. Federal Emergency Management Agency.
Protection against dangerous geological processes, dangerous operation influence and fire. Scale of seismic intensity. (2011). DSTU-Н Б В.1.1-28:2010 from 23d of December 2010. Kiev: State building codes: National standard of Ukraine.
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Seismic Evaluation and Retrofit of Concrete Buildings (1996). ATC-40. Volume 1 and 2. Applied Technology Council. Report No. SSC 96-01. Seismic Safety Commission, Redwood City, CA.
Structural Engineering Design Provisions. (1997). UBC–1997. Volume 2. International Conference of Building Officials. California: Uniform Building Code.
Uzdin, A. M. & Sandovich, T. A. (1993). The fundamentals of the theory on earthquake resistance and earthquake resistant construction of buildings and facilities. Saint-Petersburg, Russia: Vedeneyev VNIIG.
Zolotkov, A.S. (2000). The monolithic buildings earthquake resistance. Kishineu, Republica Moldova: Kartya Moldovey.
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