Influence of the type of spark plug in the evaluation of the performance and emissions caused in an ignition engine
spark-ignition engine, spark plugs, pollutant emissions; torque and power.Abstract
This research was made in Cuenca at 2500 meters above sea level (masl), and it studied the influence of the use of different types of spark plugs in a spark-ignition engine on the mechanical performance of the engine, the pollutant emissions, and fuel consumption. Six types of spark plugs that are available in the national market are made of different materials, have different thermal properties, and have different electrode openings. In addition, the mechanical performance of the engines and their fuel consumption were evaluated through dynamometer testing. Moreover, the polluting emissions were measured under the static test protocol established by the NTE INEN 2203 and with an 11 km route test in urban areas and on highway based on the New European Driving Cycle. The research showed that a specific spark plug increases 16 % of the engine performance due to not only some factors such as less pollution, better cold behavior, lower fuel consumption, but also maintains the torque and power of the vehicle. In addition, this spark plug generates savings on maintenance and annual fuel consumption.
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